Thursday 7 April 2016

International Women’s Day: Empowering Women To Be Healthy And Happy

International Women’s Day (IWD), which took place March 8, celebrates the incredible economic, political, and social achievements made by women and draws attention to the issues that disproportionately impact women. Women’s health is a huge topic that deserves serious attention and action.

Empower yourself and the women in your life with information aboutthree issues that mainly or exclusively impact women.


Breast cancer occurs primarily in women. Men are 100 times less likely to develop breast cancer.
The American Cancer Society reports that, with the exception of skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common cancer in American women. According to the SEER Cancer Statistics Review, about 1 in 8 women (12%) of American women will develop invasive breast cancer at some point in their lives. This risk increases with age. Other risk factors include, but are not limited to:
1.       Family history
2.       Breast density
3.       Long-term use of hormone replacement therapy
4.       Body weight
5.       Ethnicity
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help prevent breast cancer. Receiving regular mammograms after the age of 50 are important steps for early detection.  After the age of 50, for example, get regular mammograms because they are important to detect cancer at an early stage when it is easier to treat.


Uterine fibroids are noncancerous growths on the uterus that can result in pain, bladder or bowel pressure, or heavy bleeding. At some point in their lives, 3 out of 4 women will develop uterine fibroids. Many never realize they have fibroids since the fibroids vary widely in size. Fibroids can range from so small they are undetectable to the human eye to so large they distort the uterus. During pregnancy, the uterine fibroids may change size or even disappear.


Endometriosis occurs when the tissue lining the uterus (endometrium) is found outside the uterus. The misplaced tissue becomes growths or lesions, which react to the menstrual cycle as if it were still inside the uterus. Each month, the built-up tissue breaks down and sheds. Unfortunately, since it is not in the uterus, the tissue has no way to escape the body, leading to internal bleeding, inflammation, gastrointestinal issues, and pain.

While the cause of endometriosis is unknown, as many as 6.3 million American women and girls suffer from endometriosis.


A wide variety of breast cancer treatments are available depending on what the cancer’s stage.
Both uterine fibroids and endometriosis can be treated with a hysterectomy. While hysterectomies are the only option in cases of cervical, uterine or ovarian cancer, they are also used to treat uncontrolled uterine hemorrhage or infection. Of the 600,000 American women who receive a hysterectomy every year, only 10% are for life-threatening conditions. Instead, hysterectomies are used to treat uterine fibroids, endometriosis, uterine prolapse, and abnormal uterine bleeding.

Early detection and treatment is important for all of these issues. Encourage the women in your life to seek the support they deserve this year. The Institute for Women’s Health is available at multiple locations across San Antonio. Call 210-349-6626 today to contact women’s health doctors in your area.

Finding The Right OB/GYN: Life Long Support For Women’s Health

Women’s health issues can sometimes wrongly be regarded as embarrassing or too personal for discussion. Neither is true. A woman’s body can do many incredible things so she deserves incredible support!

Your body has many natural (albeit high maintenance) cycles and seeking help when you have concerns is the best way to prevent a problem from becoming a crisis. Obstetricians and gynecologists are trained professionals, equipped with the knowledge and tools needed to help you keep yourself in tip-top shape.

According to a study by Ovarian Cancer Action, a quarter of women said work came before seeing a doctor. Additionally, a third of women said caring for their families came before looking after their own health. Over a third of women said embarrassment about sexual health concerns kept them from seeking treatment.

Those numbers are concerning because, according to the Institute for Women’s Health, sexually active females and women over the age of 18 need wellness exams every year. These exams include pelvic examinations, pap smears, and breast examinations. Taking time out of your busy schedule can be hard but, to support your family and perform your best at work, you need to take care of your health first.

While menopause is a normal part of aging, you do not need to simply suffer through it. Your gynecologist has a variety of treatments available to help you reduce or eliminate your symptoms.

Older woman frequently experience hormone imbalances. This can result in hot flashes, low libido, and vaginal dryness. Creams, pills, and patches are all options for women with hormone imbalances. Once you and your gynecologist find the appropriate balance, you will feel like your old self.

Whether you are going through your first pregnancy or you are an experienced mother, you need support! Even in a healthy pregnancy, your body and your baby will have many prenatal and postnatal care. Some services you and your obstetrician may consider are prenatal testing, non-stress testing, ultrasounds, fetal heart monitoring, prenatal class reference, and follow up-care after delivery.

When you decided to become pregnant, it is an exciting, joy filled time. Whether you conceive naturally or need extra help, your obstetrician is there to support you as you grow your family. Visiting a fertility clinic, especially if you are an older mother, can help remove the stress involved in getting pregnant.

After childbirth, bladder control issues are not uncommon. Without treatment, these problems can become increasingly problematic. There are a variety of different bladder control issues and, depending on which one you are experiencing, the treatment will vary. Seeking a medical opinion is important to ensure you are properly treating your condition.

If you are looking for an obgyn in San Antonio, you should consider the Institute for Women’s Health. They are the largest OB/GYN practice in San Antonio, with eight clinics located throughout the city. You can learn about all their providers online here.